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Un commentaire

  • EL HICHERI Tessnim

    Hello, We are Tessnim EL HICHERI and Paloma SAROLI and we wanted to present you our project.

    Today, cotton is the element that we find in every bathroom. It is a daily essential. Put on a pedestal for a very long time, these small discs are consumed in every home. They are necessary for many rituals: care, make-up removal, application of a tonic… Used in the morning and in the evening, the stocks are quickly exhausted and we rush to buy new ones. The first step for people who love make-up and therefore make-up remover has been for the most part to stop using make-up removers wipes.Irritating to the skin and especially the eye contour, it is also a single-use product that does not allow a customer to commit to the environment by monitoring his daily life. It’s time to integrate them into our routines and replace the simple cotton pads with reusable sponges.
    So we are here to present our range of reusable cleansing sponges, an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative to disposable cleansing cotton pads.
    By choosing our reusable cleansing sponges, you opt for an environmentally friendly solution. Indeed, our sponges are made from durable materials that can be reused endlessly, which helps to significantly reduce your carbon footprint and waste generation. By using them, you can take care of yourself while preserving the planet.
    In addition, by choosing to buy our product, you benefit from an excellent value for money. Compared to specialty stores such as Sephora, our prices are much more affordable, and not made of plastic. This way, you can adopt a more ecological and economical makeup removal routine without having to spend a fortune. Although the initial cost is a bit higher, reusable makeup removers can be used hundreds of times, saving money in the long run. Moreover, they are made of natural materials such as organic cotton or microfiber. This means they are less likely to irritate sensitive skin and can even help improve the texture and appearance of the skin.
    Our reusable cleansing sponges are also very practical to use. They are soft on your skin and easy to clean. You can use them with your usual makeup remover and simply wash them with soap and water after each use. In addition, they are durable and resistant, allowing you to use them for months without having to buy new ones. By choosing our product, you can combine economy, ecology and efficiency. We are convinced that you will love our products and that you will join our community of loyal customers. Don’t hesitate and come discover our range of reusable cleansing sponges at home and check our influenceurs instagram stories to see how to use it and have a user point of view.
    Finally, reusable makeup removers are an ethical and responsible choice. By choosing sustainable and eco-friendly products, you help support fair trade practices and encourage positive change in the beauty and personal care industry.
    If you have any specific concerns or questions, we would be happy to help you find the best solution for your needs.

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